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Frequently asked Questions


Q: Are you licensed and insured and bonded?

A: Yes! We carry liability insurance to protect you, the dogs, and ourselves! We're permitted for boarding with Lexington County and have business licenses where needed!


Q: Do I need to have a meet and greet?

A: Yes! All of our services require a meet and greet before you can get on the schedule. Meet and Greet's are free and generally take about an hour. We'll go over details, scheduling, and answer any questions!


Q: Do I need to fill out any forms?

A: Yes! We have all our forms online here and we can email your forms as well. 

Q: What do I need to send with my dog?

A: We need their food (preferably portioned into meals or loose in a sealed container) and any medications they may need. We have plenty of beds, blankets, bowls, and toys at our home, but you're always welcome to send any extras! We do not allow stuffed toys and if you do decide to send bedding or toys and your dog chews it, Walk N Wag is not liable.


Q. Will I get updates?

A: Yes! We post daily on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We also try to send text out with video or pictures at least every other day.

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